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Zestiva Honey Apple Cider Vinegar , 400ml with box


Product Rating:


Zestiva Honey Apple Cider Vinegar , 400ml with box



Product Rating:

Zestiva  Honey Apple Cider Vinegar  (400ml) retains the natural flavours of apple with the additional touch of vinegar . It  contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and more than 12 kinds of minerals. Apart from that, this product is rich of vitamin A, vitamin C, amino acids, enzymes, soluble fibre and more than 30 kinds of nutrients.

Zestiva  Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey is considered as a kind of nutritional supplements, it can help to prevent chronic diseases, promote metabolism, reduce fatigue, increased appetite and relieve constipation.
( 慢性病,促进新陈代谢,减轻疲劳,增加食欲,缓解便秘。)


Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar and Water.
*Free from Artificial Colours and Preservatives

Shelf Life: 3 years

Net Weight: 400 ML

Storage: Store in cool places, do not expose directly to heat or sunlight


Simply add 20ml of our product to a full glass of water, after that stir well and consume. Customers are advised to drink 3 times a day before meals to experience the best outcome. Stop consuming if allergies happen to the product and seek for medical advice.Product of Malaysia

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