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Zestiva Taiwan Brown Sugar Osmanthus 桂花黑糖(10 cubes)


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New! Zaiwan Brown Sugar Osmanthus 桂花黑糖 (10 cubes/pack)

Osmanthus’ characteristics is warm but taste slight spicy. Osmanthus has high Chinese medicinal value: it could relieve cough and phlegm, relieve dry mouth. It also relieves stress, and calm’s one emotion. It is suitable for men, women and children.
桂花性温、味辛。桂花在中医里也拥有很好的药性价值:可以止咳化痰,解除口干舌燥,纾解压力, 安心凝神。适合男女老少。夏天很多人觉得皮肤干燥,或由于上火而导致声音沙哑,在绿茶或乌龙茶中加点桂花,可起到缓解作用。

Zestiva Taiwan Brown Sugar Osmanthus 桂花黑糖(10 cubes)



Product Rating:

New! Zaiwan Brown Sugar Osmanthus 桂花黑糖 (10 cubes/pack)

Osmanthus’ characteristics is warm but taste slight spicy. Osmanthus has high Chinese medicinal value: it could relieve cough and phlegm, relieve dry mouth. It also relieves stress, and calm’s one emotion. It is suitable for men, women and children.
桂花性温、味辛。桂花在中医里也拥有很好的药性价值:可以止咳化痰,解除口干舌燥,纾解压力, 安心凝神。适合男女老少。夏天很多人觉得皮肤干燥,或由于上火而导致声音沙哑,在绿茶或乌龙茶中加点桂花,可起到缓解作用。

Zestiva Taiwan Brown Sugar Osmanthus 桂花黑糖 Benefits

  1. Brown sugar is believed to have a lower glycemic index compared to white sugar and help to regulate blood sugar levels:
  2. Osmanthus is known for its ability to improve digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes.
  3. Osmanthus has a soothing effect on the nervous system and help promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  4. Osmanthus is rich in antioxidants which  help boost the immune system and protect the body against disease.
  5. The antioxidants in Osmanthus can also help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals
  6.  Brown sugar is believed to be a healthier alternative to white sugar
  7. And can aid in weight loss when consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.



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